Patient with severe alopecia areata with hair regrowth and text reading "Significant hair regrowth was seen in under 6 months". See safety info.

Patient with severe alopecia areata with hair regrowth and text reading "Significant hair regrowth was seen in under 6 months". See safety info.

Significant hair regrowth was seen in just under 6 months

In just under 6 months, nearly 25% of adults and adolescents taking LITFULO saw significant hair regrowth that covered 80% or more of their scalp.*

Some people even saw this amount of regrowth in just over 4 months.

*In just under 6 months, 23% of people on LITFULO saw 80% or more scalp hair coverage (vs 1.6% on placebo) and 13.4% saw 90% or more scalp hair coverage (vs 1.5% on placebo) in the clinical study.

In just over 4 months, in 13.1% of people taking LITFULO vs 1.6% on placebo in the clinical study.

Text reading "80% or more scalp hair coverage. See safety info." Text reading "80% or more scalp hair coverage. See safety info."

How was LITFULO studied?

In a 48-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study, participants (261 people, ages 12+, who had lost at least half of their scalp hair due to alopecia areata) took either LITFULO or placebo (an inactive pill). Safety and effectiveness have not been studied in people under 12 years of age. Results were measured at 24 weeks. Find out more information about the study.

In the clinical trials, the most common side effects of LITFULO included:

headache; diarrhea; acne; rash; hives; inflamed hair pores (folliculitis); fever; eczema; dizziness; shingles; decreased red blood cell counts; and mouth sores, redness and swelling of the lining of your mouth. These are not all of the possible side effects of LITFULO. For more information, talk to your doctor or learn more about the most important information about LITFULO.

Before and after taking LITFULO

Clinical study photos show examples of hair regrowth observed on the scalp of actual adult or adolescent patients with alopecia areata taking LITFULO. Studies show that the safety and effectiveness of LITFULO were consistent between adults and adolescents.

Individual results may vary.

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Additional LITFULO data

After regrowth was measured at Week 24, participants continued taking LITFULO (50 mg) through Week 48. Those still on placebo at Week 24 were switched to LITFULO (50 mg), but data from this subset of patients are not reflected below.

Scalp hair response at Week 48

At Week 48, the percentage of patients with 80% or more scalp hair coverage was measured. This additional analysis of patients was not specifically designed to find the differences between LITFULO and placebo.

At Week 24: 23% of people on LITFULO saw 80% or more scalp hair coverage.

At Week 48: 43% of people taking LITFULO saw 80% or more scalp hair coverage.

Learn out loud

Did you know that there are different types of alopecia areata, depending on the extent of one's hair loss? Learn about the different types by clicking the button below.

About alopecia areata

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